Meet Aleks

Hi, it’s nice to meet you.

I’m a designer at heart and artist at hand, with a background in graphic and UX design.

In 2018, I began tattooing at Twin Oaks Tattoo, a private Toronto studio. Over the past four years, I've narrowed my artistic focus to florals and larger scale pieces with ornamental aspects.

I’ve been working out of my own private studio in Vaughan, Ontario for the past couple years, partnering with female-owned local boutique, FIGJAM, to bring a unique client studio experience.

My studies in Spanish and English led me into an adventure of learning from literary heroes of Latin American, Caribbean and South Asian literature. I absolutely love creating designs that draw inspiration from cultural artwork. Many of my ornamental pieces touch on aspects of folk art and embroidery from various cultures - including my own Eastern European heritage. In a world of ever-evolving technology, which I’m also fascinated with, it’s been fundamentally grounding to explore hands-on artistry.

Of course, somewhere in between my passions and aspirations, I’m still a new mama, raising two tiny humans, Reyna and Joseph Luke, along with their furry brother, Opie.

So, if you have an idea in mind that you would like to pick my brain about, feel free to reach out.
And even if you’re just visiting this page, and have read this far, I appreciate you thank you immensely for your support.

From heart to skin,

  • ornamental

    culturally inspired

    Many of these designs stem from artwork from heritages around the world. I largely find inspiration in Mexican folk art, Middle Eastern art and my own Balkan heritage.

  • floral

    fine line | black and grey | colour

    I love floral pieces and how they flow with the natural curves of the body. These pieces are meant to be curated to flow with your chosen placement.

  • freehand

    leaves & ornaments

    Similar to floral concepts, freehand leaves are designed on the spot with flow and balance first and foremost in mind. It doesn’t get more custom than this.